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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

With the recent drop of prices in the private home sector, it is rather surprising that the prices of HDB is still going strong and looking to continue to increase. With higher valuation and a stronger demand, home owners now enjoy a higher rate when selling their homes. But, the important thing is, home owners should start to sell their home early if they plan on taking advantage of the rising market. This is because HDB had said in a statement that they plan to offer about 3,900 new flats under the Bulit-To-Order(BTO) system over the next 6 months. This in turn, will create a competition between the resale market and new flat market. For example, would you want to buy a resale flat 4room for $400,000 when HDB's BTO system provides you a NEW 4room which also cost $400,000?

Therefore, with the price increase, HDB home owners who are looking to sell their property or their investment should start to consider selling early. With the tighter demand of upgraders, downgraders and permanent residents, the chances of getting your property sold is rather high because there is still a strong demand for resales flats. For example, permanent residents are not allowed to purchase new flats, so the only way is to purchase a resales flat.

Another issue that I would like to bring up is the falling private sector market. In my opinion, I believe condo owners should sell their property early to prevent the prices from dropping any further.

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